Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2012 →  №4 →  Назад

Power Engineering and Ecology
Название Concepts for energy recovery in mini-mills
Автор A.-P. Hollands, K. Libera, T. Rummler, R. Hagemann, M. Harde, D. Laing, W.-D. Steinmann.
Информация об авторе

Badische Stahl-Engineering GmbH, Kehl-Rhein:

A.-P. Hollands, Dr.Eng., Consultant-Head of Projects, axel-patrick.hollands@bse-kehl.de

K. Libera, Head of Projects

T. Rummler, Eng., Executive Director


Badische Stahlwerke GmbH, Kehl-Rhein:

R. Hagemann, Eng., Senior Manager of the Repair Shop


Reining Heiβkühlung GmbH & Co. KG, Mulheim a. d. Ruhr:

M. Harde, Eng. (FH), Technical Director


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) e.V., Stuttgart:

D. Laing, Eng., Heaf of Department of Technology of High-temperature Processes

W.-D. Steinmann, Head of Projects of Department of Technology of High-temperature Processes


The increasing energy demand of the steel industry and the consequent increase in prices are pushing the steelproducing companies to develop new solutions. Tailor-made energy recovery technologies, especially for steel mini-mills, will be a new part of activities of Badische Stahl Engineering (BSE) in the field of its environmental services. In addition to the energy recovery technologies, BSE is investigating together with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) different kinds of energy storage systems for mini-mills. Energy efficiency and reduction of the environmentalimpact will be one of the drivers for innovation in the steelmaking industry. In 2010, BSE started new activities to provide tailor-made energy recovery technologies in the field of environmental services for steel mini-mills. The target is to identify the biggest potentials of energy and the most suitable concepts and solution how to recover the energy from these sources and how to implement possible applications to use the recovered energy. In focus of these activities and concepts BSE will investigate together with its partners in steam production and energy storage technologies to achieve a quick return on investment for possible customers. These solutions will facilitate to reduce CO2 emissions and/or to trade with CO2-related certificates. It should not be forgotten that the first priority rule must be seen in an efficient use of energy in order to reduce energy consumption.

Ключевые слова Mini-mills, enegry recovery, steel industry, energy efficiency, Badische Stahl Engineering, environment protection, energy storage, return of investments, emissions
Библиографический список

1. Harde, M.:  Evaporating Cooling System, Reining Heiβkühlung company brochure, 2009.

2. Langer, W.; Öttinger, O.; Franz, M.; Grünberger, T.; Steinmann, W. D.; Johnson, M.: Latentwärmespeicher für industrielle Prozesswärme, Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, 2007.

3. Laing, D.; Lehmann, D.; Bahl, C.:  Concrete storage for solar thermal power plants and industrial process heat, Proc. 3rd Intern. Renewable Energy Storage Conf. (IRES 2008), 24–25 Nov 2008, Berlin, Germany.

4. Laing, D.; Bahl, C.; Fiβ, M.: Commissioning of a thermal energy storage system for direct steam generation, Proc. Solar-Paces 2010, 21–24 Sept. 2010, Perpignan, France.

Language of full-text русский
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