Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2010 →  №8-9 →  Назад

125th anniversary of the Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute»
Название Harmful effect of biological nondeterministic factor accompanying usage of lubricating and cooling technological media (LCTM) in the working area
Автор V. Berezutsky, N. Berezutskaya
This article searches the problems of forming and spreading of nondeterministic biological harmful factors in the working area. It is shown that the existing passive methods of protection are not effective and application of active methods which are preventing forming and growth of concentration of microorganisms in technological coolants is therefore needed.
Ключевые слова Lubricating and cooling technological media, biological factors, aerosols, working area, toxicity, protection of workers
Language of full-text русский
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