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History of Metallurgy
ArticleName Development and production of heterogeneous tank armor at the Mariupol Plant named after Ilyich in 1932-1934
DOI 10.17580/chm.2022.12.13
ArticleAuthor Vas. V. Zapariy

Institute of History and Archeology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia:

Vas. V. Zapariy, Cand. Hist., Associate Prof., Researcher, e-mail:


To the end of the 1920-ies, creation and production of heterogeneous armor for land vehicles has become among the most promising engineering trends in the world. Such kind of armor bases on structural heterogeneity of the metal, expressed in different strengths of the front and rear surfaces. Heterogeneity was achieved in a two general ways: by cementing the surface layer of the armor sheet with a single chemical composition, and by creating a single armor plate consisting of two rolled metal layers with different chemical composition. Soviet metallurgical engineers of the Izhora and Mariupol plants were involved in the creation of heterogeneous bulletproof armor for new Soviet tanks. In 1931–1932 the problem of creating technologies for the production of heterogeneous armor was successfully solved, however, its serial production was carried out for a short time and was stopped due to the high cost of production and the high level of defects.

keywords Tank industry, metallurgy, economy, Mariupol plant named after Ilyich, heterogeneous armor

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12. Russian State Archive of Economics (RGAE). Holding 8798. 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Industry of the USSR. List 4. Management documentation. 1932–1957. File 26. Report on the history of the production of tank armor at the plant named after Ilyich for the period 1931–1946.

Language of full-text russian
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