Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2015 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Scientific-Educational Museum of Geology at the Bashkir State University
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.02.17
Автор Gorsheneva T. P., Dorosheva Z. N., Farkhutdinov I. M., Belan L. N.
Информация об авторе

Author 1:
Name & Surname: Gorshneva T. P.
Company: Bashkir State University (Ufa, Russia)
Work Position: Director, Scientific-Educational Museum of Geology
Contacts: e-mail: bsugeomuz@mail.ru


Author 2:
Name & Surname: Dorosheva Z. N.
Company: Bashkir State University (Ufa, Russia)
Work Position: Assistant Professor
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences


Author 3:
Name & Surname: Farkhutdinov I. M.
Company: Bashkir State University (Ufa, Russia)
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences


Author 4:
Name & Surname: Belan L. N.
Company: Safe Life Activity Research Institute, Ministry of Nature and Ecology, Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Russia)
Work Position: Director
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences


The mission of the Scientific-Educational Museum of Geology at the Bashkir State University is to preserve, increase and classify the stone material that has accumulated at the Geology and Geomorphology Department of the Geographical Faculty. The article describes the history and exhibition content of the museum. It is mentioned that the major part of the stock is the courtesy of geologists and geological agencies of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Museum’s collection is in public access and occupies the area of 100 square meters in 28 display cases, on 17 stands and tables. The exhibition by now contains 2237 booked samples and is regularly replenished with new showpieces. The taxonomic collection, that is the backbone of the Museum, contains all basic classes of minerals, the most interesting samples are exhibited. All in all, the Museum collection holds 110 kinds of minerals. The authors present the other sapid expositions such as Rocks, Minerals of the Republic of Bashkortostan, etc. The article specifies that the Museum of Geology is a splendid visual aid for students specializing in geology and for “green” geologists of Bashkiria. The discussion touches the main areas of education and outreach activity of the Museum. Promising routes of development of the Museum are identified.

Ключевые слова Bashkir State University, Museum of Geology, mineralogical collection, classes of minerals, educational activity, outreach activity, students, high schoolers
Библиографический список

1. Gorsheneva T. P., Klimenko T. V. Uchebno-nauchnyy geologicheskiy muzey Bashkirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Education and scientific geological museum of Bashkir State University). Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Universitetskie muzei – natsionalnoe dostoyanie» (Materials of International scientific-practical conference «University museums are national property»). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical University, 2013. pp. 96–199. 

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3. Betekhtin A. G. Mineralogiya (Mineralogy). Moscow : Goskeoizdat, 1950. 956 p.

4. Krivovichev V. G. Mineralogicheskiy slovar (Mineralogical dictionary). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Saint Petersburg University, 2008. 556 p. 

5. Gorsheneva T. P., Klimenko T. V. Rol geologicheskogo muzeya v nauchno-obrazovatelnom protsesse studentov geograficheskikh i geologicheskikh spetsialnostey Bashkirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Function of geological museum in scientific and educational process of students of geographic and geological specialities of Bashkir State University). Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Geologicheskoe obrazovanie kak forma raboty Detsko-Yunosheskogo Geologicheskogo Dvizheniya po populyarizatsii nauk o Zemle sredi molodezhi» (Materials of All-Russian scientific-practical Conference «Geological education as a type of work of Geological Movement for Children and Young People for popularization of Earth sciences among young people). Simferopol : Odzhak, 2014. pp. 45–49. 

6. Farkhutdinov I.M. Unikalnyy geologicheskiy obekt v kachestve uchebnogo poligona dlya izucheniya geologii Urala (Unique geological object as training ground for studying of Ural geology). Geologiya. Izvestiya otdeleniya nauk o Zemle i prirodnykh resursov Akademii Nauk Respubliki Bashkortostan = Geology. Proceedings of the department of Earth sciences and natural resources of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Bashkortostan. 2012. No. 18. pp. 33–41.

Language of full-text русский
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